Friday, February 7, 2014
In a facebook conversation, a friend expressed her interest in traveling, so I said "buy a ticket". The next comment was the worst possible cliche adage ever written, spoken, inscribed, thought, or smoke signaled. Their comment read as follows; "It's like the guy who kept praying, "PLEASE let me win the lottery....PLEASE!!!" God answered him, "You have to buy a ticket."...
Normally, I keep my oppinions to myself, but lately I've loosened my lips some which allowed a word or two to sneak past the flood gates. This is what got through:
Winning the lottery isn't guaranteed. It's almost a joke because the odds are so low. I wouldn't compare the two. If all you want to do is travel however, there's a similar inspirational story you probably never heard where the guy told God "I want to go to Tahiti," but he didn't do it in a prayer. Instead, he did it by buying a ticket. God listens to actions like they're being whispered through a blowhorn. He can't ignore them. God responded to this confident gesture by advising the guy with two simple words "have fun." The moral of the story is that God will never wish anything of you that you won't wish for yourself. And since it is in a beggars nature to beg "PLEASE. PLEASE... give me. let me. show me, I want..." God's response is never to give him $1,000,000 let alone a ticket. The beggar will continue to beg. That being said, God is not afraid to give to you what you give to yourself. God will give you a lottery ticket if you buy a lottery ticket, but God will also make sure you are aware of the odds. He knows that at some point in your life, you have seen and will have remembered the near impossibility of winning because only one in 175 million people win the lottery. God does not play favorites, and because of that he can only provide you the same odds as the other 174,999,999 people who didn't beg, but instead, bought the ticket. If you want to travel, the odds that a ticket to Tahiti will take you to Tahiti are exactly 100%, so long as you follow through and continue to pray with your actions. Let us know when you buy a ticket.
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